The Simple Science-Based Solution To Getting Into Fat-Burning Ketosis To Lose 9-21 Pounds In Just 21 Days.

Join 10,840 Other Smart People For The "Breakthrough" Rapid Weight Loss Program To Lose Up To 22 Pounds In 21 Days!

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The Fat Loss Results You've Been Searching For Are Only 21 Days Away..(Read the Success Stories Below)
19 Pounds In 21 Days...
You don’t know me but my name is Crystal and I bought The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet plan 3 months ago. I want to share my weight loss story with you, Nick.

Since getting busier at work, I've been carrying about an extra 35 pounds, which feels like 50! I've tried a bunch of different diets and everything was so hard to maintain. I read your articles and your diet just made sense, from a science perspective. I was doing so much wrong and wasting my time and money!

The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet plan was so refreshing and so simple to follow. I did everything you said and lost 19 pounds in the first 21 days. I’m now starting the diet again to lose another 12. You have changed my life, and I am incredibly thankful.   

- Crystal D.

And more awesome results!

Tara TURBOCHARGED her metabolism by cutting out certain foods and learning to balance her meals and lost over 20 pounds...
Dear Nick, 

I lost 8 pounds in my first week. It's my 13th day and I have followed the meal plan food for food as you suggested. After 7 years of struggling with my weight and frustrated with diets, the fat is finally coming off. 

I really can't believe it!

- Tara G.
The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet is a revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight — it promises to help you lose more weight — all body fat — faster than anything else you’ve ever tried.
As you can see, it's the FASTEST and HEALTHIEST way possible to lose weight without exercise.

Is The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet Right For You?

The Keto Diet is perfect for you if you want to lose weight eating delicious fatty foods and want to...

  • lose weight fast and do it in a healthy way....
  • make a lifestyle change that is permanent...
  • want an easy to follow (done for you) program that you can actually stick too...
Do any of these apply to you….?
  • You have weight gain in the hips, thighs, and buttocks
  • You exercise, eat healthy, and only do “bad” things in moderation, but still no results
  • You are frequently stressed about what to eat, what you ate, or eating in general
  • You don’t feel confident in your clothes, in your birthday suit, or looking in the mirror
  • You NEVER take time out for yourself
  • In fact, you feel selfish or guilty for even the THOUGHT of doing something for yourself, like exercising, relaxing, or getting away
  • You suffer from digestive problems (constipation, IBS, diarrhea, bloating, or gas)
  • Your joints hurt, your skin isn’t as healthy as it should be, and your body feels like it’s turning against you
  • You keep wishing you were thinner, leaner, healthier, and felt better, but you don’t know how to get there
  • You are ready to GIVE UP and have moments of “Eating healthy and exercising…NOTHING WORKS…It’s not even worth it anymore…”
  • Are fatigued, lethargic, weak, sleepy, and just have an overall feeling of “BLAH”
If so, then welcome to the club! If you desire to lose weight, but your body isn’t responding no matter what you try, you’re not alone.
Yes! I want to accomplish in 21 Days What Most Diets Accomplish in 3-Months, Including:
  • 2-6 inches from your waistline
  • Increased energy
  • 2-6 inches from your hips
  • Glowing skin and radiant skin
  • 9-21 pounds off from your body
  • Faster metabolism
  • Improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • And so much more...

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...PLUS instantly download the digital versions absolutely FREE!

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$21.00 + $4.95 Shipping

The secret to breaking free from a slow fat-storing metabolism and Start Burning Fat Today...
The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet
Lose 9-22 Pounds and 6-18 Inches In 3-Weeks...
When you join Nick's Upgraded Health's 3-Week Ketogenic Diet, you get complete access to the program that has transformed the bodies, lives, and health of thousands of my clients!
Here's What You'll Find Inside The Program...
Get Ready to Discover Dieting that Doesn't Feel Like a "Diet"
And Workouts That You Actually See Results From (They All Take Less Than 25 Minutes!)
The Launch Handbook
The Launch Handbook is far more than just an introduction...

It gives you a complete look at the science behind gaining and losing weight, so you can finally follow straightforward, precise steps to burn away stubborn body fat and achieving ketosis.

With your step-by-step instructions, you will be able to take control of your body like never before. Losing weight will become a matter of following simple steps. It’s as easy as putting one foot in front of the other!
  • Learn all the “insider secrets” behind effective 3 week weight loss… the scientific facts that weight-loss gurus and fitness stars have been hiding from you in order to sell their mysterious solutions…You get the effective fat-burning tricks you need!
  • ​Understand the process behind gaining fat in the first place so you can prevent its return. Also learn the 8 Ketogenic Rules For Fat Loss (There’s a lot more to it than most people think, and we’re going to reveal everything you need to know.) 
  • ​And if you still believe that "fat is making you fat”... you need to read the launch handbook to learn the truth. It will shatter the old lie you’ve been told and give you the power to revolutionize your body like never before.
The Diet Handbook
It’s time to get personal and REAL...

In The Diet Handbook, I’m not going to give you a “one-size-fits-all” weight loss diet crafted by some clever marketer. I'm going to reveal exactly what it takes from a metabolism and hormone perspective to lose weight forever...

You’ll know exactly what to eat, how much, and when to eat it. Best of all, you can buy regular, affordable groceries at the store, not overpriced pre-packaged diet foods
  • Discover which foods you must avoid at all costs if you want to become thin. Most people consume at least one of these foods regularly… and it’s sabotaging their weight-loss efforts.
  • ​Plus, I’ll give you a list of the most delicious fat-burning foods in the world. I'm not talking about over-priced broccoli, either: this is tasty, affordable food that you can find in any supermarket!
  • ​Get a super-simple plan for keeping weight off. Pounds lost with this system are pounds lost forever. No more yo-yo dieting. No more disappointing, magically appearing body fat. Live your life normally…without worrying about backsliding!
The Activity Handbook
The Diet Handbook alone will produce truly stunning amounts of fat loss… but The Activity Handbook can nearly double your results.

If you don’t have time for the gym every day, don’t stress. These exercises can be done at home.

The Activity Handbook was created specifically for people with busy schedules who need a practical workout routine that they can follow at home—or anywhere else.

But if you happen to love the gym, we’ve got you covered with a complete gym workout plan that anyone can follow.

You need 20 minutes a day, 3-4 days per week. That’s all it takes to nearly double your weight loss and carve out the body of your dreams.

What could be better than that?

Most people have told me that the workout program alone was worth the entire investment they made in The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet because they love how fast their body changed with it!
  • The top 5 bodyweight exercises you should master before starting ANY exercise program.
  • 10 written "metabolic" workouts so you know exactly what to do during The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet
  • 10 Personal Trainer guided exercise videos (a $299 value) coaching and training you to perform the best, safest, and most effective workout EVER.
You will see amazing weight loss results even if you decide to skip the exercise portion, but when you combine the power of metabolic exercise and this diet, you'll see 3x the progress!
Mindset Guide
Where do you think 99% of body transformation happens? At the gym? On your plate? No, the overwhelming majority of transformation happens in your mind.

With the right mindset and motivation, you can conquer any challenge and overcome any obstacle. Losing weight becomes its own reward…instead of a grueling challenge.

The Motivation Handbook gives you the inspiration and energy to break through mental barriers, using proven focus techniques that keep you motivated throughout The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet and beyond.
  • Master your mind with scientifically proven techniques for focus and control.
  • Stay motivated with the encouragement and support you deserve on your 21 day journey.
  • Empower yourself with simple tips and tricks to keep you on track and burning fat like never before… and keep it off forever!
Without a strong, resilient mindset, making it through ANY program will be next to impossible.

The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet Motivation Handbook makes sure you will succeed, not only with this program, but for your entire life.
This is my favorite part about the program!

In this private support group, you will be able to ask me about diet (and other members) any questions you may have about the diet, exercise, food substitutions, and everything in between.

We currently have over 3,000 members in this group sharing experiences, motivation, accountability, and RECIPES!

*Note: This group is FREE with the purchase of the program! It is included in the one-time price, and you will not be charged again! No hidden fees!

The great thing about THE 3-WEEK KETOGENIC DIET is that you can actually begin the program in the next few minutes because I’ve made all four handbooks available in PDF form, by Instant Download.
You will be given immediate access after purchasing, so you can get started right away!

Get a digital copy of The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet available for instant download anywhere in the world...

...Download it to your computer, mobile, or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

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Get a physical copy of The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet  shipped directly to your home...

...PLUS instantly download the digital versions absolutely FREE!

Your Price:
$21.00 + $4.95 Shipping

My private, one-on-one clients pay up to $150 per hour for my best advice, tips, and techniques for losing weight... but I’m giving you my most powerful tools in this easy-to-follow program for fractionally less than my hourly rate of $150! 

Because I don’t want price to stand in your way of losing up to 16 pounds of body fat in the next 21 days, I’ve slashed your investment in The 3 Week Ketogenic Diet plan and program from $67 all the way down to the low, low price of just $21!

Keep in mind that $21 is less than the price of most monthly gym memberships, or even one session with a personal trainer… and neither of them promise to return your money if you don’t see results...But I do!
When You Order Today, You Will Also Receive These FREE Bonuses:
10-Minute Ketogenic Meals
$37 Value - Yours FREE
Over 60 Ketogenic Recipes makes following The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet simple and delicious. 
Lifetime Access to The Healthy Fat Loss Inner Circle
$97 Value - Yours FREE
You'll have 24/7 access to my FULL database of videos, meal plans, recipes, exercise tutorials, and more...
Desserts, Sauces, and Condiments
$37 Value - Yours FREE
20 more Ketogenic friendly recipes to compliment your 10-Minute Meals. Guilt-free desserts, easy to make condiments and sauces.
And MORE Keto Bonuses When You Order Today:
$7 Value - Yours FREE
While you don't NEED supplements to be successful on keto, especially with this program, I'll give you the low-down on which keto supplements you need!
Intermittent Fasting Guide
$7 Value - Yours FREE
Intermittent Fasting is a great tool in your keto tool-box. It's not required in this program, BUT you can try it after the 3-weeks by having this guide!
Beating The 
Keto Flu
$7 Value - Yours FREE
Not every one gets the "keto flu" which is basically carb withdrawals. If you do get the keto flu you can use this guide to beat it, treat it, and fix it!
You're getting all of the below, valued at over $297 for a 
ONE-TIME $21 Investment...
And 2 more UNANNOUNCED "Secret" Bonuses:

FREE Low-Carb Grass-Fed Protein Powder
$100 Value - Yours FREE
*small shipping charge
FREE 30-Day Supply Of  Probiotics
$50 Value - Yours FREE
*small shipping charge

Combine the FREE supplements above and you're looking at a STEAL. Get The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet and ALL Bonuses with a combined value of over $497 for only $21
Starting today.
You don’t have to be sick. Or tired. Or feel old. Or fat.
In less than 24 hours, you CAN start to feel better.

In less than 7 days, you’ll melt noticeable fat.

And in less than 21 days, major health issues that have plagued you for years, even decades, will start to fade and ultimately disappear.

The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet is far more than a simple diet… it becomes a welcomed lifestyle. It’s been specifically created to RESET YOUR ENTIRE BODY to its natural, clean, lean, energetic, disease-free state.

Here are just a few of the incredible benefits you discover as a result of doing The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet:
  • Significantly reduce chronic inflammation...
  • ​Increasing libido... 
  • ​Smooth and soothe digestion... 
  • ​Enhance and strengthen your metabolism... 
  • ​De-stress your mind and lift your spirit... 
  • ​Increase energy and stamina... 
  • ​Increase metabolism without pills or expensive energy drinks... 
  • ​Not having to buy your jeans a size larger each year…
Imagine looking forward to eating, looking forward to every meal, every snack, knowing you’re melting fat... knowing your hair is getting shinier... knowing your eyes are becoming clearer and brighter... knowing your skin is becoming even toned and blemish-free... feeling your hormones balance themselves out.
Studies show that a ketogenic diet can be therapeutic for many diseases and health problems, including:
  • Obesity
  •  Type 2 Diabetes
  •  Cardiovascular Disease
  •  Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  •  Mental Illness
  •  Depression
  •  And so much more...
A couple more testimonials...
The great thing about The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet program is that you can begin the program in the next few minutes because I've made the entire system (all 4 guides and bonuses) available in PDF form by Instant Download.
Crystal lost 19 pounds and 18 inches with The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet
And because I don't want price to stand in the way of you losing up to 21 pounds of body fat and 19 inches off your trouble areas, I've cut the investment in The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet from $67 all the way down to the very low price of just $21.

That means for just about a $1/day for 21 days you can have LIFETIME access to the entire 3-Week Ketogenic Diet.

Keep in mind that $21 is less than a 20-minute 1-on-1 consultation with me.

It's also less than a monthly gym membership or session with a nutritionist or personal trainer and neither of them promise to give your money back if you don't see results.

But I do!
Lose The Weight Or It's Free!
Unlike most diet books, gym memberships, weight loss plans and fat-burner pills on the market,
The 3 Week Ketogenic Diet comes with my personal, 100% no-nonsense Lose The Weight Or It’s FREE guarantee.

It’s just this simple: If at anytime in the next 30 days you have not lost the weight I promised, or…if you’re just not completely satisfied with The 3 Week Ketogenic Diet for any reason whatsoever, just let me know and I will personally issue you a prompt and courteous refund.
Now, I’m not going to insult your intelligence or risk my reputation by making some outlandish claims that in 21 days you’re going to have a completely flat stomach or be 40 pounds lighter than you are today without any effort...

But what I will promise you is this:

If you dedicate yourself over the next 21 days and follow The 3 Week Ketogenic Diet as outlined, you will be walking around with 11 to 21 pounds of body fat gone from your waist, hips, thighs, belly and butt. Your clothes will be loose, you’ll look healthier and more attractive…and you’ll have more energy than you’ve ever had in a long, long time.

So here’s what you need to do...Just click on the Add To Cart button below and download the entire
3 Week Ketogenic Diet program. It can be in your hands in less than two minutes from right now. And to be perfectly honest with you, clicking that button is literally the difference between looking and weighing the same as you do right now...or being up to 23 pounds lighter in just 21 days.

Go ahead and read through the manuals, commit to the diet and really put it to the test. I promise that you’ll be truly amazed at the results you can actually see in just a matter of days. And again, if
The 3 Week Ketogenic Diet sn’t everything I promised, simply let me know and I’ll refund every single penny of your investment into the system — no questions asked.
Jacquelyn reversed years of eating inflammatory foods and lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks...

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The Fastest Weight Loss Week That You Won’t Believe Until You Experience It
I know this can be the single most important decision you ever make in your life and I could never live with myself if I didn't do everything within my power to get this into your hands today, which is why all I ask is that you say YES to the 3-Week Ketogenic Diet right now by pushing the "Add to Cart" button you see above.
I Know You May Be Thinking "What Makes This Keto Program Different From The Others?" Is This Just Another Fad Diet...
So I put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions
Still sitting on the fence? Here are some answers to some of the most commonly answered questions...
What is The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet?
Created by holistic nutritionist, personal trainer, best selling author, Nick Garcia,  has helped thousands of people around the world achieve their fat loss goals - faster than any other programs out on the market today.

The 3-Week Ketogenic is a simple, science based diet based on getting into "ketosis" or a "fat-burning state" using specific foods, macronutrient ratios, and strategy. It's designed to help you lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time, without counting calories, working out, or buying supplements.
What type of people is The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet for?
The 3 Week Ketogenic Diet is suitable for people of all ages, all ethnicities, and all body types.

Whether you are looking to drop a few pounds for an upcoming event, get the body you've always dreamed of, or simply improve your health - this plan will work wonders for you.

The entire diet is based on years of scientific research and testing and is proven to work for people of all sizes and fitness levels around the globe.
How much weight will I Lose on The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet?
Every day, you will notice how simple my methods are and how the secret fat burning meal plans will speed up the fat burning process even while you rest at night. Not everyone is the same, but after the first week with the 3-Week Ketogenic Diet, most people experience one or more of the following… more energy, 5lbs lighter, joint relief, self-motivation, happiness, and a positive change in their physiological states. After 3-weeks many people have anywhere from 11-21 pounds weight loss and 7-17 inches off their waist, hips, chest, and triceps.
Will the weight I lose comeback like it always has in the past?
The beauty of The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet is that it's completely opposite of the majority of "lose-weight quick" weight loss scams. The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet focuses on FAT LOSS, not weight loss (the difference is explained in the Program Guide). You'll be eating anti-inflammatory foods that promote a healthy, a fast metabolism, and stimulates fat-burning hormones. You'll lose a lot of weight and inches in a short period of time and this'll keep it off.
Why do I keep reverting back to my old “out of shape” self?
You work out for a few months and get in shape and fall back to the old habits because you were not conditioned mentally, only physically. Physical fitness is only a part of journey, fitness is over 75% percent mental. Gyms, nutritionists, and personal trainers give most people a temporary Band-Aid but never address the actual issue. The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet includes secret mindset strategies to make your journey so much easier.
Do I have to buy expensive food or supplements?
All the foods recommended in The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet are not expensive and can be found at your local supermarket or grocery store. 

In fact, you will probably save money by following The 3 Week Ketogenic Diet because you'll be avoiding expensive supplements, overeating out, and other useless diet programs.
Is there a lot of exercise involved?
You can receive the FULL benefit of the 3-Week Ketogenic Diet without adding any exercise during the 3-weeks you'll be following the plan. If you choose to incorporate at least an hour of metabolic exercise during the week using my personal-trainer guided exercise videos, you'll see up to THREE times the results. Exercise contributes to hormonal balance, blood sugar stability, and lean muscle growth.
I'm a vegetarian/vegan, can I do the program?
Absolutely! Establishing Ketosis on a vegetarian lifestyle is doable. 

The majority of the recipes in The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet are not vegetarian, however you can create your own keto-friendly meals using the Keto-approved food list provided.
Can my family do this with me?
Yes, in fact The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet program would be a great plan for a family to change their lifestyle together. Family support and accountability helps with simplicity and saving time. The meal plans are flexible and can be altered to fit a family's needs.
Will I get a copy of The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet in the mail?
In order to save you time and money (from printing and shipping costs), instead of being mailed, The 3 Week Ketogenic Diet is provided to you as an instant download E-Book or e-books which you can read on your PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android, Smartphone, Tablet or E-Reader. You can transfer it to as many devices as you like, and even print out pages.

Upon joining, you will receive The 3 Week Ketogenic Diet and all the manuals immediately.
How much is the program?
Because this program changed Crystal's and thousands of other women's lives, I wanted this to be a no-brainer for you. The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet is a just a one-time investment of $21. Keep in mind this price won't be available forever and the regular price is $67.
What happens after I click "Add to Cart?
Once you click the “Add to Cart” button that is right above, you will be taken to the secure checkout page. Just enter your information and then you will be given an instant access to the entire 3-Week Ketogenic Diet. You can view all the materials, the list, and the guides right on your computer, tablet, or smart phone. You could also download everything and print out as many copies as you would like. 
What is your refund policy?
I want this program to be a no-brainer for you, so I want to give myself ALL of the risk. If after 3-weeks (the duration of the program) of trying the product, you are unsatisfied, you may qualify for a refund. In order to qualify for a full refund of the 3-Week Ketogenic Diet, you must (a) show an honest effort of participation in the private support group, or (b) send proof that you used 3-Week Ketogenic Diet with photos of yourself or approved meals. We reserve the right to evaluate your request and to make a decision accordingly. No refunds will be issued beyond 60 days after the purchase. No one that has actually done the program has asked for a refund....EVER.

When can I start The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet?
Awesome! Just click the "Add to Cart" button below, get the entire program, and be protected by a 30 day 100% money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose, except unwanted fat.
Hurry…Get The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet!
Order now and get:
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to boost your fat-burning hormones and get you into ketosis ASAP
  • Simple and delicious follow along meal plans broken down into 3 phases, each designed to help you detox, lose weight, and burn stubborn fat
  • 24/7 access on any device. Lifetime Access.
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. 
…all for just $21. Click the “Add This To My Cart” button now for INSTANT ACCESS!
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